23 July 2024 admin_KE

KEEEN Biotech Group Co., Ltd. has participated in the activities of the Department of Trade Negotiations under The Ministry of Commerce, called the “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Capacity Project, New Economy Model BCG in the Free Trade Market ”. More than 140 companies applied to participate, and finally, 20 companies were selected to participate in the Boot Camp activities in Pattaya during July 3-5 2024. KEEEN Biotech Group attended this training seminar and competed in the final round. The 10 companies with the best business plans will be representatives of the Thai BCG business model, traveling to South Korea for trade negotiations.

The company presented a plan that aligns with BCG policies, covering all issues.

Biotech involves bringing technology to increase value, with Kane products incorporating Bio Organictech innovations to increase efficiency in solving industrial and household problems.

Circular involves the reuse of packaging materials, advocating for trading partners to separate them for use as fuel that can be converted into Plastic Credit.

Green focuses on natural decomposition, with more than 90% of KEEEN’s products designed to reduce environmental impact in all activities.

The company was selected with excellent scores, ensuring that both Kane’s products and services aim to create a carbon balance with confidence for our trading partners.